Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Declaro/Declaramos que el artículo remitido es de mi/nuestra autoría, es original y no ha sido publicado antes en ningún tipo de soporte -papel o electrónico- y no lo será hasta tener una respuesta del Comité Editor. Si se detecta que una versión similar ha sido publicada sin la autorización de la revista, el artículo será dado de baja inmediatamente.
  • Declaro/Declaramos que no ha sido enviado simultáneamente a otro ámbito de publicación
  • En caso de ser aceptado para su publicación, autorizo/autorizamos su publicación conservando los derechos de autoría y cedo/cedemos y transfiero/transferimos a la revista todos los derechos protegidos por las leyes de propiedad intelectual que rigen en Argentina referidos a la edición para difundir la obra en soporte digital en que se aloja la revista.
  • Declaro/Declaramos poseer el permiso del archivo o repositorio donde se obtuvieron los documentos o ilustraciones que se anexan al trabajo, cualquiera sea su formato, permiso que los autoriza a publicarlos y reproducirlos, liberando a la revista y a sus editores de toda responsabilidad o reclamo de terceros.
  • Adhiero/Adherimos a la licencia Creative Commons denominada "Atribución - No Comercial - Compartir igual CC BY-NC-SA", mediante la cual el autor permite copiar, reproducir, distribuir o comunicar públicamente la obra y generar obras derivadas, siempre y cuando se cite y reconozca al autor original. No se permite, sin embargo, utilizar la obra con fines comerciales. Los autores podrán establecer acuerdos adicionales para la distribución no exclusiva de la versión de la obra publicada en la revista (por ejemplo, situarla en un repositorio institucional o publicarla en un libro), con la mención de que fue publicada originalmente en la revista Quinto Sol.
  • La revista no me/nos cobrará ningún tipo de tasa bajo ningún concepto, ya sea por referato, corrección de estilo o tareas de edición, ni recibiré/recibiremos ningún tipo de compensación monetaria.
  • Declaro/Declaramos conocer y aceptar las normas de evaluación especificadas en la página web https://sociohistoricos.files.wordpress.com/2019/08/normas-para-autores-vigentes-2019.pdf
  • Declaro/Declaramos que el artículo remitido se ajusta a las normas de edición que se encuentran detalladas en la página de la revista, en Normas para autores
  • -

Author Guidelines

Authors may submit their manuscripts at any time of the year.

Quinto Sol only publishes original papers that have not been published previously. By submitting the manuscript the author definitely declares that his or her contribution has not been published elsewhere. By submitting the manuscript the author declares that he/she accepts the publication and agrees on the journal's copyright terms.

Manuscripts for the Articles section go through an internal evaluation by the Editorial Board, whose members can suggest modifications before accepting it for external evaluation. After this, they receive double blind peer review according to international standards. Manuscripts submitted for the Book Reviews section are evaluated by the Editorial Board.

The journal's Editorial Board will decide in which issue will any manuscript be included. Authors will be notified of such decision as soon as possible. Authors can request a certificate once the review or article have been approved for publication.

The internal evaluation stage can take between 15 and 30 days, and the external evaluation between one and two months, depending on the availability of reviewers. On average, if there are no major modifications to be made in both stages, the manuscript can be approved between 2 and 4 months from the date of its submission.
We strongly recommend careful observation of these Author Guidelines. The rejection rate of the journal is around 30 and 45% between 2016 and 2019.

1. Submission

Papers will be submitted only in digital format through the journal's website. Registration and login are required to submit items online. If the author is already registered, he/she can login at this link:

http://cerac.unlpam.edu.ar/index.php/quintosol/login/signIn. Otherwise he/she must register to obtain a user and password in this link:


All submissions sent to Quinto Sol will be revised though Ithenticate plagiarism detect software. See more information on the Policy on Plagiarism section (in About)

The author can ask for guidance on this process at the following address: revistaquintosol@humanas.unlpam.edu.ar but manuscripts should not be sent through this channel.

Before starting the submission process, please have your ORCID identification at hand, because the system will require it when registering to make the submission. If you do not have it yet, you can manage it for free at this link: https://orcid.org/

The submission process includes five steps:

1.1. Start. After logging in as authors, and before uploading the manuscript and complementary files, the online system will require activating some checkboxes by which the author/s agrees on the following terms of copyright and other rules:

  •       * I/We hereby declare that the manuscript has been written by me/us, it is original and has not previously published before in any kind of format -either paper or digital- and neither will it be until a response from the editors of this journal is received.
  •       * I/We declare that it has not simultaneously been sent to any other publisher.
  •       * If accepted for publication, I/we authorize its publishing retaining authorship rights and transfer to the journal all rights protected by the copyright laws governing Argentina referred to the issue, to spread this work in the digital form of this journal.
  •      * I/we declare that I/we hold the license from the archive or repository where documents or illustrations that are appended to the work were obtained, in whatever form, which authorizes permission to publish and play, freeing the journal and its publishers from third party claims.
  •       * I/we adhere to the Creative Commons license called "Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike CC BY-NC-SA", by which the author may copy, reproduce, distribute or publicly perform the work and make derivative works, provided they cite and acknowledge the original author. However, the work is not allowed to be used for commercial purposes. The authors can establish additional agreements for non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in the journal (eg, place it in an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with a statement that was originally published in Quinto Sol.
  •      * The journal will not charge me/us any fee under any circumstances, either for peer-review work, proofreading or editing. Neither will I/we receive any monetary compensation.
  •       * I/we declare to acknowledge and accept evaluation rules specified at this website http://cerac.unlpam.edu.ar/index.php/quintosol/about/submissions#authorGuidelines.
  •       * I/we declare that the manuscript sent complies with editing standards detailed in th Submission guidelines.

1.2. Uploading the manuscript: in this step you must attach the file, which must be ready for blind review

1.3. Entering metadata: author data will be loaded there (you must provide your ORCID identification), and article information (title, summary, keywords, etc.)

1.4. Uploading complementary files: here you can attach the images, as well as the tables and graphics in Excel (or in the original software they were prepared with).

1.5. Confirm. Upon finishing this, the system will send you an email that confirms that we received your submission.

2. Format and length

Manuscripts should be sent in Word format (.doc or .docx), within the templates provided in the following links:

-original articles: https://sociohistoricos.files.wordpress.com/2019/01/plantilla-articulos-2019.docx

-book reviews: https://sociohistoricos.files.wordpress.com/2019/01/plantilla-reseñas-2019.docx

- Length: Articles should have a maximum of 9,000 words and Book reviews up to 1,800 words.

If the text includes pictures, tables and/or charts, they must be included in the text. Please do also attach them as single files in their original Excel, JPG or TIFF original format (images with 150 dpi at least are desirable).

3. General guidelines

In recent years the journal has had a high rate of rejection of manuscripts received, because the texts either do not represent an original contribution to the field of study, or they present serious writing errors. Hence, before submitting your article to Quinto Sol, we kindly suggest you to: 

a) Revise the text before sending it. It must not contain grammatical or spelling errors, nor double spaces between words. Bibliographic references and sources should be quoted as specified in items 4.6, 4.7 and 4.8. 

b) Bibliography and quotations should be carefully revised. All authors mentioned in the list must be referenced in the main text, and conversely, all references in the main text should have full citation at end of article. 
c) Review bibliography relevant to your field of study, so as to justify your research within the context of a larger problem and updated discussions. However, theoretical and conceptual discussions and the state of affairs should not exceed 25% of the length of the article.
d) The purpose of the paper and its structure must be specified within its first two pages: do not devote seven or ten pages to a lengthy theoretical dissertation before putting it clear to the author which is your main objective.

e) Bear in mind that Quinto Sol has a worldwide readership, so you should provide accurate information and not take it for granted whenever references to local or national contexts are included (for instance, avoid expressions such as "in our country" instead of "Argentina" or provide locations or specific points  as clearly as possible when maps are not provided). In this sense, regarding the use of acronyms, they must be written in a comprehensive manner the first time they are mentioned, and in brackets those that will be used further one. If you want to include an abbreviation that will be mentioned only once, they should be put between dashes or brackets after putting the full name. For instance: Plan of Internal Commotion State (CONINTES)/-CONINTES-; Anti-communist Alliance Argentina (Triple A)/known as Triple A-.

f) Do not use many compound sentences or subordinate clauses. Usually, a sentence should not take more than three lines of text.

g) Revise if the manuscript complies with formal rules and if possible, ask a colleague to read it before submitting it to check for its easiness in reading.

4. Paper structure

4.1. Title.  It should not be longer than 20 words (if it is long, tedious and with unnecessary technicalities it could not promote the interest of readers), its purpose is not to summarize the article. If the manuscript is a reworking of a previous text (such as a lecture) the author should specify this situation in a footnote at the end of the title.

4.2. NO Author/s name. Please do not include authors' names in the manuscript or any data or institutional affiliation, or information in the text that allows to identify them. The text should be ready for a blind review, that is, without data to identify the author / s. Avoid incorporating information of this type in acknowledgments, footnotes or expressions such as "in other works we have addressed this issue (Gonzalez 2007)". In this case, you can replace them with impersonal verbs, as " this issue has been addressed in other works (González 2007)”

4.3. Abstract and key words. The abstract cannot be longer than 200 words. It should contain the basic information of the main text, it is supposed to be self-sufficient and be stated in terms of achieved results (it should not express doubts or use the conditional, therefore it is recommended to replace phrases like "This article attempts to trace ..." to "This article traces... ","this article will seek to analyze "... by "this article analyzes..."). Here you should avoid using rare terms, neologisms, acronyms, abbreviations or symbols. Do not include quotes or conclusions or information that is not incorporated in the work. The terms should be as specific as possible, ie preferably not representing general concepts or areas such as History, Anthropology or Communication.

For the choice of appropriate keywords, authors are kindly invited to check that such terms are included in specialized Thesauruses. The geographical or time scope of the research should not be mentioned as part of the keywords (for instance, South America or 19th century)

4.4. Article text. Format features are included in the template provided by the journal.

References to tables/maps/images/charts should be clear within the text (for instance: "as shown in Image 1" or "In Chart 1 it can be noticed that...."). Labels under every image/map/table/chart should provide the source for information and the archive. These should be included in the text and also be submitted as complementary files in Excel, JPG or TIFF format with 300 dpi resolution if possible.

4.5. Abbreviations and acronyms. If they have to be used to refer to an archive, institution, source, etc, the first mention will be followed by the abbreviation in brackets. Examples: Archivo General de la Nación (AGN), Ministerio de Cultura y Educación (MCyE), Código Rural de la provincia de Buenos Aires (CR).

The following expressions are used for abbreviations:
Comp., Comps.: Compiler/s
Coord., Coords.: Coordinator/s
Ed., Eds.: Editor/s
Dir., Dirs.: Director/s
ed.: edition
p.: page
pp.: pages

4.6. Text citation.

Either for text citation and the list of bibliography, please DO NO USE reference management software such as Mendeley, Zotero, etc. References must be included manually.

They will be stated between without italics or quotation marks, specifying the source in APA (American Psychological Association) style (author, year, page number if necessary). Quotations which are longer than 40 words will not have quotation marks and will be located in a different paragraph, with indentation and 11 point letter. Within a paragraph quoted, suspension points will the used to convey that a missing piece of the original source is being omitted. These are not to be used at the beginning or the end of a citation. Use square brackets to include explanations or to make your own additions to the citation. Some examples are provided below as to the way to make text citations

* According to Eduardo Cavieres “economic growth did not mean social development" (2003, p. 111).

* In 2003, Eduardo Cavieres explained that “economic growth did not mean social development” (p. 111).

* Economic growth “did not mean social development” (Cavieres, 2003, p. 111).

There will be no footnotes with full bibliographic citation, only authors and years are mentioned. E.g. On this subject, see Amaral (1987; 1998); Cavieres (2003).

Please do not use expressions such as ibid, ídibem, op.cit. in the text or in footnotes.

4.7. Sources.

For published sources, the citation system specified previously will be used. For instance:

  • Duval, M. (1939). Memoria Del Territorio Nacional De La Pampa. Santa Rosa, Argentina: Talleres Gráficos.
  • Ministerio De Relaciones Exteriores y Culto. (1890-1913). Memorias del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto presentadas al Congreso de la Nación Argentina. Talleres Gráficos.

In the case of unpublished sources, they will be identified as clearly as possible in footnotes, stating the archive where they can be found, as well as its geographical location. For example:

  • Padrón de Población de la Guardia de Luján de 1838. Sala X, 25-6-2, Archivo General de la Nación, Buenos Aires.
  • Cámara de Diputados. Diario de Sesiones.16 de mayo de 1900, pp. 64-69. Biblioteca del Congreso de la Nación, Buenos Aires.
  • Legajo 40, 1870, t. 117. Expedientes Archivados, Fondo Contaduría, Archivo General de la Provincia de Santa Fe, Santa Fe.
  • Carta de José Miguel Díaz Vélez a Juan Lavalle. 16 de diciembre de 1828. Sala VII, Archivo Juan Lavalle (1797-1860), Archivo General de la Nación, Buenos Aires.

If sources are mentioned repeatedly along the text, the author should use acronyms. For instance:

  • Letter from Consulado General (CG) in Alemania to the Minister of Foreign Affairs (MFA). Hamburg, July 2nd, 1902.
  • Names of papers and journals should always be quoted with italics:
  • Evaluación de la calidad educativa. (2001, octubre 20). Clarín. Opinión, pp.8-9. Archivo del diario, Buenos Aires.
  • Depurarán los textos escolares (1955, septiembre 30). El Día, p. 4. Biblioteca Nacional, Buenos Aires.
  • La Capital, 8 de enero de 1945, p. 12. Archivo Histórico Provincial, Santa Rosa.
  • Revista Hacer Patria. (1980). Gendarmería Nacional.

If the author of a note published in a newspaper or magazine is quoted, it will be mentioned as specified in Bibliographic references. E.g. URANGA, W. (2001, octubre 20). La UBA honró al teólogo Gustavo Gutiérrez con un Honoris Causa. Página 12. Universidad, p.16.

4.8. Bibliographic references. The list will be numbered and contain only those works cited in the article. The sequence to follow is alphabetical by the last name of authors. If more than one work by the same author has been used, it will be mentioned in chronological order of publication, from oldest to most recent. The last name of the author will be mentioned for each work cited, without replacing it with lines, dots, dashes or other symbols. Surname in full capital letters and initials of the author, not his full name, will be included. If there are several authors, all of them should be listed, without using expressions such as et al/and others. Titles of chapters, journal articles and papers will not take quotation marks. Do not use abbreviations in citing publishers (like FCE or UNL).

Every scientific article, complete journals, parts of articles, audios, videos, pictures and even software that are cited in the article and that have been assigned a DOI number (digital object identifier) should be included by the author in the bibliographic reference. In SciELO, you can get it from the Permalink box (the last one of the right column where it says Specialized Services). Authors can find DOI numbers of the references cited in the following website: http://search.crossref.org/

An example of how to quote it:

1. Zubizarreta, I. (2007). Las antinomias entre unitarios y federales en Argentina: un desafío a superar. Nuevo Mundo Mundos Nuevos. Ecole de Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, 7. http://dx.doi.org/10.4000/nuevomundo.8682

Please do carefully pay attention to the following guidelines provided in the examples listed below:

Book by one author:

1. Halperín Donghi, T. (1979). Revolución y guerra. Formación de una élite dirigente en la Argentina criolla. Siglo XXI.

Difference between the original year or edition and the one used by the author should be mentioned in square brackets:

1. Alberdi, J. B. (1979) [1852 original edition]. Bases y puntos de partida para la organización política de la República Argentina (Valparaíso 1852). Centro Editor de América Latina.

2. Tannembaum, F. (1972) [1946 English edition]. El negro en las Américas, esclavo y ciudadano. Paidós.

Online book, with and without DOI:
1. Álvarez, R. (2004). La guerra de Malvinas. Recuperado de http://www.xxxxxx.xxx

1. Montero, M. y Sonn, C. C. (Eds.) (2009). Psychology of Liberation: Theory and applications. DOI: 10.1007/ 978-0-387-85784-8

Book with more than one author:

1. Belmartino, S., Bloch, C., Carnino, M. I. y Persello, A. V. (1991). Fundamentos históricos. Planeta.

2. Devoto, F. y Pagano, N. (Eds.) (2004). La historiografía académica y la historiografía militante en Argentina y Uruguay. Biblos.

Book chapter:

1. Socolow, S. (1994). La población de la América colonial. In C. Bernard (Comp.) Descubrimiento, conquista y colonización de América a quinientos años (pp. 218-248). Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Journal paper:

1. Torrado, S. (1999). Transición de la familia en la Argentina, 1870-1995. Desarrollo Económico, 39 (154), 235-260.

Online paper:

When online items with DOI are cited, their code should be mentioned. For example, in SciELO you can get if from the PERMALINK box.

1. Zubizarreta, I. (2007). Las antinomias entre unitarios y federales en Argentina: un desafío a superar. Nuevo Mundo Mundos Nuevos. Ecole de Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, 7. http://dx.doi.org/10.4000/nuevomundo.8682

Papers presented at conferences or meetings:

1. Fernández, H. M. (2002). La tenencia de la tierra en la Sección IX del departamento Capital. Ponencia presentada en las X Jornadas de Historia Económica. La Plata, 24 y 25 de octubre de 2002, Facultad de Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de La Plata.

Papers published in meetings proceedings:

1. Pérez, A. (2004) Un estudio exploratorio sobre las políticas públicas en La Pampa en la década de 1930. En XI Jornadas de Investigación de la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas. Santa Rosa, 29 y 30 de agosto, pp. 169-173.

Unpublished thesis:

1. Paoloni, P. (2004). Estudio de la motivación en contexto: papel de las tareas académicas en la universidad. Tesis de Maestría inédita. Maestría en Educación. Universidad de Río Cuarto, Córdoba.

Unidentified author:

1. Nueva enciclopedia del mundo. (1996). Instituto Lexicográfico Durvan.

Web pages references: 

1. Argosy Medical Animation. (2007-2009). Visible body: Discover human anatomy. Argosy Publishing. Recuperado de http://www.visiblebody.com
1. Valdez, M. (2006). La gestión de Duval: aspectos políticos y económicos. [CD-ROM]. EdUNLPam.

The name of producer and director is stated first, followed by (year), Name of the film. City, country, producer.

1. Sher, S., Shamberg, M., Devito, D. (Prods.) y LaGravenese, R. (Dir.). (2007). Escritores de Libertad. Los Ángeles, Estados Unidos: Paramount Home Entertaiment.

TV Series

1. Baker, J. (Prod.). (2006). One tree hill. Twentieth Century Fox.
1. History Channel. (Prod.). (2006). El Universo, segunda temporada [DVD]. De http://www.history.com/

1. Van Nuys, D. (Prod.). (19 de diciembre de 2007). Shrink rap radio [Audio en podcast]. Retrieved from htpp://www.shrinkradio.com/

1. PZ Myers. (22 de enero de 2007). The unfortunate prerequisites and consequences of par tutioning your mind [Mensaje en un blog]. Retrieved from http://scienceblogs.
com/ pharyngula/2007/01/the_unfortunate_prerequisites.php

2. Castiñeiras, J. C.  (8 de julio de 2009). Entrevista a Antonio Caponnetto. [Publicada en un blog]. Retrieved from http://lahoradejuancruz.blogspot.com.ar/2009/07/entrevista-antonio-caponnetto.html

Music recordings. Besides the year, the track number must be mentioned

Red Hot Chili Peppers. (1999, 4). Otherside. En Californication [CD]. Warner Bros Records

[Fotografía de Daniel Manrique]. (Valle del Cauca. 1920). Archivos fotográficos del Valle. Biblioteca Departamental Jorge Garcés Borrero, Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia.


5. Specific rules for Book Reviews

Book reviews are not simply a summary of a certain work but its critical review. Therefore, in addition to the review of the main issues addressed, the text should contain references to the location of the book in the historiographical context, and provide a critical analysis that highlights the relevant aspects and points out the shortcomings -if any- and a consideration concerning its contributions to the field of knowledge.

For book reviews, please use our template, that can be downloaded https://sociohistoricos.files.wordpress.com/2019/01/plantilla-reseñas-2019.docx

The title of the book that is reviewed should be quoted as follows:

Name of author/s, title of the book in italics, place, publisher, year and number of pages.


* Flavia Fiorucci y Laura Graciela Rodríguez (Comp.) Intelectuales de la educación y el Estado: maestros, médicos y arquitectos. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, 2018, 270 páginas.

* Magdalena Candioti. Un maldito Derecho. Leyes, jueces y revolución en la Buenos Aires republicana, 1810-1830. Ediciones Didot, 2017, 260 páginas.

Authors are kindly asked not to include footnotes or quotations in book reviews. However, if they were necessary, they will be included fully at the end of the text, under the heading Bibliographic references, according to the guidelines specified above.

Research Papers / Artículos

In this section, the journal includes original and unpublished articles as a result of research, or significant essays for the historiographic and social science fields. All contributions to this section are subject to internal and external evaluation (under the double-blind peer review mechanism), and must be unpublished and not have been submitted simultaneously to other journals. Maximum length of papers: 10,000 words including notes and bibliography.

Debates, Essays and Communications / Debates, Ensayos y Comunicaciones

This section includes original and unpublished contributions that do not necessarily meet the condition of being works based on primary sources or historiographic essays. Debates, essays, communications or interviews will be considered; its content will be evaluated by the Editorial Board.

We strongly recommend potential authors to communicate previously to revistaquintosol@unlpam.edu.ar to request details on extension, formal characteristics, and thematic relevance, among other aspects.

Thematic clusters / Dossiers

Original and unpublished articles are published as a result of research, or significant essays for the historiographic and social science fields, all within a common theme, related to the objectives and interests of the journal. All contributions to this section are subject to internal and external evaluation (under the double-blind peer review mechanism), and must be unpublished and not have been simultaneously submitted to other journals. Maximum length of papers: 10,000 words, including notes and bibliography.

To send dossiers, a prior proposal must be approved by the Editorial Board. Please contact revistaquintosol@humanas.unlpam.edu.ar to obtain more details on the editorial process of the dossiers.

Book Reviews (Reseñas)

This section features original and unpublished reviews of books published in the last two years. They are  evaluated by the Editorial Board and should not be under simultaneous consideration in another publication. Length: up to 2,000 words.
IMPORTANT: The review is not simply a summary of the work but its critical review. For this reason, in addition to reviewing the main aspects addressed, the text should contain references to the location of the book in the historiographic context, a critical analysis that highlights the relevant aspects and points out the shortcomings - if any - and a weighting of its contributions to the respective field of knowledge.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this journal and will not be available for any other purpose or other person.