Figures of learning at some schools in the colombian south west. The RAS in 5° and 6° preparatory at basic education

  • Armando Zambrano Leal


figures of learning, knowledge, relation to knowledge, educational institution


The theory known as Rapport au Savoir (AKR) or Action Knowledge Relation appears as an answer to the classic theories about success or failure at school. This theory is born at the Research Laboratory ESCOL (in Spanish: school knowledge and local communities), attached to the Science of Education Department at Paris University (France). The AKR has a socio-anthropological approach and proposes the figures of learning, important dimensions to understand the sense that the activity-action related to knowledge has for a singular person. This article describes the results of a research performed at some schools in the municipalities of Cali, Candelaria and Vereda el Cabuya (Department of Valle del Cauca).


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Author Biography

Armando Zambrano Leal

Doctor en Ciencias de la Edu­cación. Director de la Maestría en Educación Superior, Universidad Santiago de Cali. Profesor invitado del doctorado en Educación de las Universidades Paris 8 (Francia), Karlsruhe (Alemania), Andes (Vene­zuela), Rudecolombia (Red de uni­versidades públicas de Colombia). Este artículo es el resultado de la investigación: La pedagogía en Phi­lippe Meirieu: Aprendizajes, filosofía y Política. 2006-2008. Financiado por la Dirección de investigaciones USC y en asocio con el Laboratorio Expérice, Paris 8 (Francia).

How to Cite

Zambrano Leal, A. (2014). Figures of learning at some schools in the colombian south west. The RAS in 5° and 6° preparatory at basic education. Praxis Educativa, 18(1), 13–31. Retrieved from


