The double dimension of power and ideology in the theoretical perspective of the Critical Pedagogy

  • María Cristina Fossati
  • Carlos A. Oyola


power, bio-power, two dimensionality of power, ideology, body/subjec


This article deals with the power and ideology question as well as their implications to develop a discourse which articulates, production of meanings with subjectivity, identity and difference, in relation to education. The subject matter is approached from the theoretical framework of critical pedagogy, specifically its two-dimensional conception of power, and the relations it keeps with the ideological processes of construction of subjectivity and the possibilities of resistance and counter-hegemony in education.


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Author Biographies

María Cristina Fossati

Licenciada en Investigación Educativa con Orientación en Sociología de la Educación. Profesora de Filosofía. Docente e investigadora en el Centro Universitario Regional Zona Atlántica de la Universidad Nacional del Comahue

Carlos A. Oyola

Profesor Regular Titular de Pedagogía y Profesor regular Asociado de Metodología de la investigación - Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Investigador Categoría I. 



How to Cite

Fossati, M. C., & Oyola, C. A. (2012). The double dimension of power and ideology in the theoretical perspective of the Critical Pedagogy. Praxis Educativa, 9(9), 70–79. Retrieved from