Assessment of plans and programs of cit¬izenship and coexistence

  • Mario de Miguel Díaz


evaluation of programs on citizenry, participatory evaluation, democratic evaluation, civic empowerment


This paper discusses the implicit prob­lems in assessment processes related to plans and programs that promote citi­zenship and coexistence in multicultural societies. Once identified some charac­teristics about the nature of the phenom­enon under study, we establish three cri­teria to be considered in any theoretical and methodological approach on the subject, namely: a) the procedural and democratic character that should guide the design and implementation of any strategy evaluation that is to be conduct­ed on this topic, b) the moral nature of the object to evaluate since this is essen­tially about social values and behaviours, and c) the main purpose that guides the implementation and evaluation of these programs: civic empowerment by citizens of democratic rights and obligations that guide their participation in public life. According to this we adopted an opera­tional model of participatory and demo­cratic evaluation (MODE) and insist on the role of the evaluator as a person en­gaged in the construction and develop­ment of a critical citizenry that promotes the empowerment of individuals and the development of a more fair and egalitar­ian society. 


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Author Biography

Mario de Miguel Díaz

Catedrático de Métodos de Investigación en Educación de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Oviedo.

Ex Decano de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y Director del Departamento e Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación en dicha universidad.



How to Cite

de Miguel Díaz, M. (2012). Assessment of plans and programs of cit¬izenship and coexistence. Praxis Educativa, 13(13), 47–69. Retrieved from