Learning and pedagogy in Philippe Meirieu

  • Armando Zambrano Leal


learning, pedagogy, groups, educability, means


Philippe Meirieu’s pedagogical thought presents three great periods: learning, philosophical reflection on autonomy and freedom and a critical-political in­sight into citizens’ education. The ex­tensive work of this French pedagogue compels us, in this paper, to turn our at­tention to the relationship between learn­ing and pedagogy. Learning belongs to the first period of his intellectual devel­opment. As a result of our research on the concept of pedagogy in Meirieu’s work we were able to identify some aspects in the above mentioned relationship, espe­cially his ideas about groups, educabili­ty, means, learning as pedagogical physics and learning models. In conclusion, the purpose of this text is to contribute to a reflection on pedagogy as a fundamen­tal concept of French educational science and particularly, to focus on a contempo­rary pedagogue’s way of narrating.


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Author Biography

Armando Zambrano Leal

Doctor en Ciencias de la Edu­cación. Director de la Maestría en Educación Superior, Universidad Santiago de Cali. Profesor invitado del doctorado en Educación de las Universidades Paris 8 (Francia), Karlsruhe (Alemania), Andes (Vene­zuela), Rudecolombia (Red de uni­versidades públicas de Colombia). Este artículo es el resultado de la investigación: La pedagogía en Phi­lippe Meirieu: Aprendizajes, filosofía y Política. 2006-2008. Financiado por la Dirección de investigaciones USC y en asocio con el Laboratorio Expérice, Paris 8 (Francia).



How to Cite

Zambrano Leal, A. (2012). Learning and pedagogy in Philippe Meirieu. Praxis Educativa, 13(13), 10–24. Retrieved from https://cerac.unlpam.edu.ar/ojs/index.php/praxis/article/view/445