Making a profile: Who are admitted into Education Sciencies?

  • Florencia Garibotti Universidad Nacional de Cordoba
  • Gladys A. Ambroggio


university, access, non traditional undergraduate students, profile, diversity


Past decades have seen a notable expan­sion of enrollment in higher education in our country; meanwhile, it took place an increase in the number of students en­tering universities with non traditional academic backgrounds, after a variable number of years from the completion of high school. Drawing on data from an ongoing study, the social and academic profile of new undergraduated students in the field of education is explored. This paper reports details of four groups of stu­dents entering the School of Education at Córdoba University arranged in terms of their previous educational experience. The results are shown by grouping the new students on the basis of prior formal education experiences, and they suggest an important participation of non tradi­tional students and high diversity in dif­ferent dimensions.


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Author Biographies

Florencia Garibotti, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba

Integrante del Poryecto de Investigación "Homogeneidad/heterogeneidad en el ingreso a los estuios superiores. Facultad de Filosofia y Humanidades Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Docente del Curso de Ingreso a la Carrera de Cencias de la Educación. de la FF y H. de la Universidad Nacional de Cordoba.

Gladys A. Ambroggio

Docente e investigadora de la Fa­cultad de Filosofía y Humanidades de la UNC. Directora del Proyec­to de Investigación: “Homogenei­dad / heterogeneidad en el ingreso a los estudios superiores”. CIFFyH. FFyH. UNC.




How to Cite

Garibotti, F., & Ambroggio, G. A. (2012). Making a profile: Who are admitted into Education Sciencies?. Praxis Educativa, 16(1), 55–62. Retrieved from


