Forms and speeches of adolescent subjectivity in the secondary school. Encounters and misencounters

  • Mariano A. Canteli Universidad Nacional de La Pampa
  • Gloria La Bionda Universidad Nacional de La Pampa



The objective of this work is to reflect on the forms adopted by adolescent
subjectivity in the secondary school through the analysis of the manifestations of the
bonds between teachers and students. An approach is made from a psychological
perspective, trying to establish some of the coordinates that characterize the
particularity of the subject and its positioning in relation to their peers, teachers and
the educational institution within the framework of the main policies implemented for
this mandatory level.
Through surveys conducted with adolescents, an attempt is made to analyze the
process they are going through. Starting from the analysis these discourses, we seek
to understand the forms of communication or manifestation, which do not always
respond to what is expected by the teacher or by the educational institution.


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