Submerged Networks: Latin Americanism, Performance and Archive in Manuel Ugarte

  • Fernando Degiovanni Cuny University



Manuel Ugarte, El destino de un continente, Latin Americanism, body, technology, affect


By focusing on Argentine writer Manuel Ugarte’s 1911-1913 lecture tour, this article explores the reconversion of Latin Americanism from a spiritualist and literature discourse to a performative and spectacular practice, articulated by a militant intellectual for a multitude that listens and watches. In particular, it focuses on the role Ugarte gives to the telegram, a product of undersea cable communication technologies, in the organization of student and worker collectives, meant to reconstitute the idea of Latin America through activism. El destino de un continente (1923), the book in which Ugarte narrates his tour, is read here as a performative archive that allows to formulate an alternative genealogy of Latin Americanism rooted in notions of the body, technology, and affect.


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Author Biography

Fernando Degiovanni, Cuny University

Profesor titular de literatura y cultura latinoamericana del Ph.D. Program in Latin American, Iberian, and Latino Cultures del Graduate Center de la City University of New York (CUNY). Es autor de Los textos de la patria: nacionalismo, políticas culturales y canon en Argentina (Beatriz Viterbo Editora, 2007) y Vernacular Latin Americanisms: War, the Market, and the Making of a Discipline (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018). Es editor Latin American Literature in Transition (1870-1930) (Cambridge University Press, en prensa) y Comunidades y relatos del libro en América Latina (Orbis Tertius, 2015). En 2010 recibió el Premio Alfredo Roggiano de Crítica Literaria y Cultural Latinoamericana, otorgado por el Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana, por su libro Los textos de la patria. En 2019 obtuvo el Premio LASA Cono Sur al Mejor Libro en Humanidades por Vernacular Latin Americanisms. Se desempeñó como profesor visitante en varias universidades argentinas y europeas, y fue becario del Wesleyan University Center for the Humanities, el Fondo Nacional de las Artes y la Fundación Antorchas de Argentina.


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How to Cite

Degiovanni, F. (2020). Submerged Networks: Latin Americanism, Performance and Archive in Manuel Ugarte. Anclajes , 24(3), 137–153.