Professional Essays: Literature, Women and Work in late 19th century Buenos Aires Press

  • Maria Vicens Universidad de Buenos Aires Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)


women writers, periodical press, professionalization, Argentine literature, 19th century


One of the changes brought about by the modernization of Argentine culture and the emergence of a market for cultural goods in the last quarter of the 19th century is an increase in women writers and readers in the public sphere, especially in magazines dedicated to female readership. These periodicals not only offer female writers a place to collaborate and assume an authorial voice through their writings but to also actively develop models that seek to ease the tension surrounding a new figure: the woman of letters. This article seeks to analyze the different ways in which two wellknown female writers from that time, Josefina Pelliza and Lola Larrosa, take part in those magazines and negotiate with the profiles of female authorship that circulate in them to develop their budding literary careers.


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Author Biography

Maria Vicens, Universidad de Buenos Aires Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)

Profesora y Licenciada en Letras por la Universidad de Buenos Aires y Magíster en Estudios Interdisciplinares de Género por la Universidad de Salamanca. Actualmente desarrolla su tesis de doctorado como becaria de CONICET y se desempeña como docente en la Universidad de Buenos Aires, además de integrar el proyecto Ubacyt  "Lectura, lectores y escritores en la Argentina" y el proyecto de investigación financiado por el CSIC de España "Creadoras y autoras españolas y latinoamericanas en red (1824-1936)".   



How to Cite

Vicens, M. (2017). Professional Essays: Literature, Women and Work in late 19th century Buenos Aires Press. Anclajes , 21(2), 77–94. Retrieved from