Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submitted manuscript is ORIGINAL. That is, it was not published or submitted to another publication (proceedings, book, journal, etc.) in whole or in part (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to Editors).
  • The submitted manuscript is in Microsoft Word or RTF format.
  • The text complies with the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the Guidelines for Authors, which are available below.
  • If you are submitting to a section of the journal that is peer reviewed, you need to ensure that the instructions in “Ensuring a blind review” have been followed.
  • If you do not already have an ORCID user, we recommend that you complete your registration from Edit Profile; only the ORCID Registry can assign ORCID IDs. You must agree to their standards to have ORCID IDs and include the full URL (e.g. http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1825-0097).
    To do this, you must click ORCID Registration. Once on the page, you will need to create your account. When you have already registered, please add the full link to the OJS form (in URL), as it appears in the example above
  • Anclajes is authorized to distribute electronic copies of the published article and include it in indexing services, directories or national and international databases in Open Access, under the Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 ), by which the authors retain their copyright and, at the same time, allow other people to copy and distribute their work, as well as adapt, as long as the corresponding authorship is recognized and the work is not used For commercial purposes.
  • In case of acceptance, I/we authorize Anclajes to include my/our first and last name, institutional affiliation, email address and ORCID in all documents related to the publication of the article. Likewise, I/we assume full and exclusive responsibility for any damages that may occur as a result of third party claims regarding the content, authorship or ownership.

Author Guidelines

Contributions must be original and unpublished in Spanish and cannot be simultaneously considered in other national and international journals, proceedings, books or publishers.

The call for the reception of articles, dossiers, interviews and reviews is always open. Depending on the number of works received and accepted, it will be communicated in what volume and number the accepted collaborations will be published.

The following contributions will be welcomed:

  • Articles or essays, original and unpublished, subjected to external evaluation, and that are not simultaneously considered in other national and international journals, proceedings, books or publishers. Length: between 30,000 (thirty thousand) and 40,000 (forty thousand) characters with spaces, including notes and bibliography.
  • Dossiers: articles that address a common theme related to the objectives and interests of the journal. It is made up of a title that describes the topic, an introduction signed by the coordinator and a minimum of 5 (five) articles and a maximum of 10 (ten) including the introduction, with the characteristics outlined in the previous point and the style standards set by the magazine.
  • Original and unpublished interviews, subject to double-blind external evaluation. Length: between 15,000 and 30,000 characters with spaces, including notes and bibliography.
  • Original and unpublished critical reviews of books published in the last three years, subject to double-blind external evaluation. Length: between 5,000 (five thousand) and 8,000 (eight thousand) characters with spaces. They should not include notes, documentary references or bibliography. It is necessary to provide an image of the book cover with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi or equivalent.

The Editorial Board retains for itself the following rights:

  • To ask to specialists for articles, dossiers or reviews when it estimates appropriate. These cases will also be subject to external evaluation.
  • To reject contributions which do not suit the thematic journal issues or do not accomplish the journal style norms.
  • To establish the publication order.

Submission of articles, interviews and critical reviews

Before proceeding to send the collaboration, it is recommended to check that the version is the definitive one and that it contains on a separate sheet: title of the work in Spanish, English and Portuguese, personal data, institutional affiliation, a brief paragraph (five lines) with bio-bibliographical data, email, a summary of the work of no more than 200 words in Spanish, English, and Portuguese, five keywords in the three languages separated by click or enter, and the URL of the ORCID record.

Both the abstract and the keywords allow to classify and guide searches in the information indexing and retrieval systems. For this reason, they must follow standardized forms that ensure the greatest possible understanding in different reading contexts.

The abstract must follow the UNE 50-103-1990 guidelines of the Asociación Española de Normalización y Certificación, available online at various academic centers.

The keywords must describe as precisely as possible the following aspects of the article: analyzed corpus, thematic or disciplinary field, methodological perspective, period and territory. They should be selected from specialized Thesauri. It is recommended to use one of the following: UNESCO Thesaurus, HASSET (Humanities and Social Science Electronic Thesaurus) and vocabularies of Human Sciences and Social Sciences included in the Servidor Semántico del Centro Argentino de Información Científica y Tecnológica (CAICyT).

Submission of dossier proposals

Proposals are received in the institutional mail of the journal:


They must contain the following documents:

  1. Brief résumé of the person in charge of the coordination (up to three pages with the academic activities and scientific production of the last five years). In the event that someone else is proposed to coordinate, it is expected that both people have different institutional affiliations.
  2. Summary of the topic and title of the dossier.
  3. An introduction signed by the coordinator or coordinators. 
  4. A minimum of 5 (five) articles and a maximum of 10 (ten) including the introduction. 
  5. Dates and deadlines in which the call for articles for the dossier would be opened or, failing that, the list of articles that would form part of the dossier, author(s), institutional affiliation and abstract with a maximum length of 10 (ten) lines.

The proposal will follow the external evaluation procedure with the double-blind referencing system described in the “Peer evaluation” section.

Submission Procedure

To proceed with the submission of contributions, you must enter the journal's site: https://cerac.unlpam.edu.ar/index.php/anclajes and register as a user (if you are not already one). Once registered, go to Mis Revistas, Anclajes, autor, and follow the steps indicated in “Empezar un nuevo envío”.

To submit a collaboration proposal, it is required that the proposed text be unpublished and original. That is to say, that it has not been published partially or totally and that, consequently, it does not duplicate previous publications in any format. It is also required that it would not be under evaluation in other publications, that it would not be submit to other journals during the publication process in Anclajes, and that it complies with the editorial ethics guidelines to which the journal adheres.

To corroborate these requirements, the journal uses Similarity Check, a Crossref service that aims to determine the originality of the articles. Similarity Check uses the iThenticate software to detect coincidences and similarities between the texts submitted for evaluation and those published in other sources.

To complete the submission, whoever is in charge of the authorship must register with ORCID and upload the required data, according to the instructions received when entering the site.

Form and preparation of manuscripts      

The general style of the articles, as well as the final notes and the bibliography must follow the guidelines of the 8th. edition of the MLA Manual of Style (https://style.mla.org/). To access an abridged version, consult the article by Norman Marín Calderón, “El estilo de redacción del manual MLA: la nueva edición (2016) para el usuario hispanohablante”, published in the Revista de Lenguas Modernas, n° 25, 2016: https://revistas.ucr.ac.cr/index.php/rlm/issue/view/2325

Publication in Spanish is preferred and there will be no translation of articles published in another language

Ensure blind review

To ensure blind review, contributions will adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Remove names from the text of the article, bibliographical references and documentary citations. In the version that is delivered, the name will be replaced by "authorship" and the year will be kept. In addition, the following legend will be added in capital letters, between parentheses and highlighted in gray: (THIS INFORMATION WAS REMOVED SO AS NOT TO VIOLATE THE BLIND REVIEW PROCESS).
  2. Verify that the identification of the properties of the document has been eliminated. With Microsoft Office documents, the identity of the author can be removed from the file properties. Click File in the main menu of the Microsoft application: File > Save As > Tools (or Options on a Mac) > Security > Remove personal information from file properties > Save.

Presentation Guidelines

Font type should be 12-point Times New Roman for the title, name of author and paper body.

Margins should be one inch (2.5 cm) at the top and bottom, and 3cm at the sides of the document.

For footnotes, font type should be 10-point Times New Roman.

No underlining or bold letters will be accepted in the paper body; in case a word should be emphasized, italics will be allowed. 

No lines or graphs will be accepted to separate notes, paragraphs, quotations, etc.

One space should be left after each punctuation mark.

  1. First Page
    • Small letters for the title (except capitals or proper names), and no full stops. Add English and Portuguese translation.
    • Names and last names of all authors, and institutional membership on the second line, after the title. Abbreviations and acronyms are not allowed.
    • Email suitable for disclosure.
    • Abstract of up to 200 words that follows the UNE 50-103-1990 guidelines of the Asociación Española de Normalización y Certificación, Documentación.
    • Translation of the abstract into English and Portuguese.
    • Keywords in Spanish, English (Keywords) and Portuguese (Palavras-chave), up to five, separated by semicolons, retrieved from one of the thesauri or vocabularies of the area of Human and Social Sciences (http://vocabularios .caicyt.gov.ar/portal/acerca.php).
  2. Paper Body
    • Double-spaced text.
    • Each paragraph will be indented with no tabbing.
    • 12-point Times New Roman font for subtitles to separate different sections, like the rest of the text. Titles and subtitles are not numbered.
    • Italics will be used for book titles, newspapers, journals, films, words in another language or words to be highlighted.
    • Four-lined length quotations in the paper body should be written in standard-type letters, enclosed in quotation marks.
    • Quotations longer than four lines should be arranged in a new paragraph, written in 11-point standard-type letters, with no quotation marks and one space from the paragraphs above and below.
    • References to a cited text should be done in the paper body: the author’s last name, abbreviated title of the publication (if two or more works by the same author are cited), and cited pages (if necessary) should appear enclosed in brackets. When citing a source without pagination, add "s/p." after the short title. For more than three authors, the first author will be used followed by “et al.”. The text is recorded in full only in the bibliographic list at the end of the work.
  1. Footnotes
    • They will all be placed at the bottom of the page.
    • They should be numbered consecutively. The first one will acknowledge people’s contributions or any other information about the nature of the paper.
    • Footnotes should not exceed 150 words in length and are only used to explain or add information. Documentary citations are only included in parentheses in the main text (last name, abbreviated title, page) and, in full, in the list of bibliographical references. They cannot be the subject of a note. It is advisable to use as few notes as possible.
  1. Works Cited List
    • Every cited work in the paper has to be in correspondence with the bibliography. In turn, this list should only include the works actually cited in the article.
    • Bibliography references should be alphabetically ordered according to the author/s’ last name. In the case of several works by one or more authors, the alphabetical order of each title will be followed.
    • Italics should be used for the title of books followed by the number of volume, place of publication, name of the publisher, and date of publication. In case there were many references to the same date, works should be listed alphabetically by title adding a small letter.
    • Standard-type letters and quotation marks should be used for pieces of articles. Reference sources should be written in italics followed by volume number, issue number, publication date, number of pages, and DOI (if applicable).
    • When there are two or more authors, only the name of the first author is inverted. Example: Borges, Jorge Luis y Adolfo Bioy Casares (and not: Bioy Casares, Adolfo).
    • If the article is unsigned, the title should be given first. ‘NN’ or ‘anonymous’ entries should be avoided.


One author: Last Name, Name. Title in italics. Place, Publisher, Date of Publication.

Shared authorship: Last Name, Name and Name Surname. Title in italics. Place, Publisher, Date of Publication.

Plural authorship: Last Name, Name, et al. Title in italics. Place, Publisher, Date of Publication.

Edition, compilation, etc.: Last Name, Name, editor. Title in italics. Place, Publisher, Date of Publication.

Chapter or part of work: Last Name, Name. “Chapter title”. Title of the work in italics. Place, Publisher, Date of Publication, pp. xx-xx.

Article in journal: Last Name, Name. "Article title". Title of the journal in italics, vol. x, n.° x, abbreviation of the month (or semester if applicable) year, pp. xx-xx. doi

For other entries, whose models are not listed here, more information on the style can be found in the 8th. version of the MLA Manual of Style (https://style.mla.org/) or in the article by Norman Marín Calderón, “El estilo de redacción del manual MLA: la nueva edición (2016) para el usuario hispanohablante”, published in the Miscellaneous section of the Revista de Lenguas Modernas, N.° 25, 2016: https://revistas.ucr.ac.cr/index .php/rlm/issue/view/2325


E-mail: anclajes@humanas.unlpam.edu.ar

Copyright Notice

The authors must adhere to the Creative Commons license called "Attribution - Non-Commercial - Share Alike CC BY-NC-SA", through which it is allowed to copy, reproduce, distribute, publicly communicate the work and generate derivative works, provided and when the original author is cited and acknowledged. However, it is not allowed to use the work or its possible derivative works for commercial purposes. The authors may establish additional agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in the journal (for example, place it in an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with the acknowledgment of having been first published in this journal.

The publication of contents  in this journal does not imply any royalty or charge for the contributors.

 Privacy statement

The names and e-mail addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or person.


Articles or essays, original and unpublished, subjected to double bind-external evaluation, and that are not simultaneously considered in other national or international journals, proceedings, books or publishers. Length: between 30,000 (thirty thousand) and 40,000 (forty thousand) characters with spaces, including notes and bibliography. 


Articles that address a common theme related to the objectives and interests of the journal. It is made up of a title that describes the topic, an introduction signed by the coordinator and a minimum of 5 (five) articles, with the characteristics outlined in the previous point and the style standards set by the journal. 


Original and unpublished interviews. Length: between 15,000 and 30,000 characters with spaces, including notes and bibliography. 

Critical reviews

Original and unpublished critical reviews of books published in the last three years, subject to double-blind external evaluation. Length: between 5,000 (five thousand) and 8,000 (eight thousand) characters with spaces. They should not include notes, documentary references or bibliography. It is necessary to provide an image of the book cover with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi or equivalent. 

Privacy Statement

The names and e-mail addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or person.