Rol’s negotiation on school groups of facebook: study case

  • Lucía Francisca Godoy Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires


Social network, Education, Technology, Communication, Social actor


In this paper we attempt to analyze the negotiation of social roles between students and teachers in the new interactive contexts mediated by technological medium.
The object of the analysis is a school group in the social network Facebook. From the theoretical framework of Systemic Functional Linguistics and Multimodal Theory, we attempted to account for the realization of  interpersonal metafunction in this Facebook group; and, from the methodological apparatus of the ethnography of communication and conversation analysis, we describe the interactions to observe the roles played by participants in their discursive interactions and the resources they use.
The study reveals that in a virtual space as Facebook, the traditional roles between teachers and students are reconfigured through resources that relieve the extent of imposition of participants over others and others that promote the care of the image of the partners; while it is enabling the development of trade relations and affection between subjects. The development of an educational
virtual space in a social network facilitates communication between subjects and contributes to education in the classroom space, without jeopardizing the social images of teachers and students.


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Author Biography

Lucía Francisca Godoy, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Licenciada y Profesora en Letras por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Maestranda
en la Maestría de Análisis del Discurso de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Docente en el nivel medio y superior.

