The narratives of beer advertisements and its relation to the construction of hegemonic masculinity

  • Roberto Matías Samar Universidad Nacional de Río Negro
  • Javier Cantarini Subsecretaría de las Mujeres


masculinities, gender, advertising, symbolic violence, problematic consumption, alcoholic beverages


The objective of the work is to analyze the masculinity models that are represented in the advertising of the Quilmes and Imperial breweries between 2017 and 2019.We seek to analyze whether media discourses continue to be associated with hegemonic masculinity knowing that there are new male and female identities.Also, we will try to detect the gender roles and stereotypes that are reinforced from advertising considering that the media are socializing agents. It is expected to detect if androcentric, heteronormative and classist looks are reproduced.Finally, continuities and changes in the stories around the concept of symbolic violence will be analyzed. And the association of alcohol consumption with the idea of happiness, conquest, brotherhood, the relation with sport, and its consequences will be problematized.


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Author Biographies

Roberto Matías Samar, Universidad Nacional de Río Negro

Licenciado en Comunicación Social UNLZ. Espacialista en Comunicación y culturas UNCO

Profesor de la UNRN.

Integrante de la subsecretaría de las Mujeres de Neuquen

Javier Cantarini, Subsecretaría de las Mujeres

Periodista. Integrante de la RED PAR (Periodistas de Argentina en Red por una Comunicación No Sexista). Diplomado en Comunicación con Perspectiva de Género y Derechos Humanos. . Integrante de la subsecretaría de las Mujeres de la provincia del Neuquén.


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How to Cite

Samar, R. M., & Cantarini, J. (2020). The narratives of beer advertisements and its relation to the construction of hegemonic masculinity. La Aljaba. Segunda Época. Revista De Estudios De La Mujer, 24. Retrieved from


